If you focus on view counts, you miss on the customer loyalty

If you focus on view counts, you miss on the customer loyalty

Have you ever just taken a pause while creating a business video thinking what if the video doesn’t get enough views? Your boss might grill you on the same barbecue tripod on which you grilled chickens in the last party. Unlike what many advertisers say, the true purpose of a video is not to get as many views as possible. In fact, a video is created, published and disseminated across the platforms to facilitate the engagement between a brand and its target users for building the customer loyalty.

Number of views is not equivalent to the number of sales you do!

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What SEO is all about?

What SEO is all about?

Have you ever thought when you enter a search query in your search engine, why some websites are on the top and others come later on? What is the process of ranking the websites? It is all because of a powerful web marketing technique called Search Engine Optimization or SEO as it is widely known. SEO helps the search engine to find your site and rank it higher than millions of other sites in response to a search query.

You need to understand one simple fact: Most of the people don’t scroll past the first three or four websites related to their queries. At maximum, they can search a page or two but not more than that. That is why SEO services are referred as king-maker in the startup ecosystem. A startup that nail SEO win, and those disregarding it lose.

Search Engines have two major functions: crawling and building an index, and providing search users with a ranked list of the websites they’ve determined are the most relevant.

1.      Crawling and Indexing: The search engines automated robots called crawlers or spiders go through the Web to see what is there. They use the links as a path to reach the site. Once the engines find these pages, they decipher the code from them and store selected pieces in massive databases, to be recalled later when needed for a search query.

2.      Providing answers: When a person performs an online search, the search engine scours its billions of documents and does two things: first, it returns only those results that are relevant or useful to the query; second, it ranks those results according to the popularity of the websites serving the information.

Keep in mind great content is the only thing that is going to help you earn useful and credible links. Links, links and links are the only things that matter in the SEO services. More the number of links more are the chance of getting noticed and earning popularity. It is both relevance and popularity that the process of SEO is meant to influence. 

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PR industry: The rising star

PR industry: The rising star

Even if the profession is almost a century old in the country, it didn’t get that respect and recognition like the other participants involved in the marketing process. This is so because of the fact that critics see PR as a fabricator organizing favorable media coverage for undesirable people and causes. But not the roles are changing, from being the supporting helper slowly and steadily the industry is taking the center stage meant for it.

According to a survey conducted by the Associated Chamber of commerce and Industry in India (Assocham, 2012), the PR industry in India is growing at an annual rate of 32 percent. There are hundreds of PR consultancies but not all are good. Here are the qualities that the best PR agencies have:

1.      Have good reputation: Biggest one need not be the best one always.  While selecting, eliminate any PR agencies that could take advantage of you or that don’t have a lot of experience behind them. When in doubt, ask other companies that have worked with the PR agencies you’re considering.

2.      Get to know their clients: You should never work with a PR agency that tries to rush through the getting- to know- you phase. Any high-quality PR firmwill want to spend time getting to know your business and your audience so the team can do their job as best as possible.

3.      Have active social media presence: See if they can actually back its claim of expertise by checking out the firm’s blog and social media profiles. Great PR agencies aren’t afraid to give up some free information—they know that that’s the best way to show their expertise and attract clients.

4.       Test knowledge of trends: Knowing the ins and outs of marketing and advertising means keeping up with trends and spotting new trends being formed. Make sure that any PR agency you choose is always up-to-date with the latest news and information.

5.      Are well connected: Great PR agencies have impressive lists of connections. How much a PR agency can help you greatly depends on their own network of people and businesses.

At its core, public relations revolve around the universal truth: people act based upon their perception of facts. With a good story we can manage, control and influence people’s perceptions and achieve our goals.  The better the story, the better is the acceptance by the public and the better the public relations.

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5 Critical Steps of Brand Re-engineering-1

5 Critical Steps of Brand Re-engineering-1

5 Critical Steps of Brand Re-engineering-1

If you are an entrepreneur and your brand is not doing well then don’t think that your concept is not worthwhile, take a work break of 2 to 3 days, invite your marketing team for an outdoor dinner, spend some time together, make fun and finally start a brainstorming session. Fresh minds develop fresh ideas!

Many innovative brands and concepts in the past couldn’t see the light of the day just because of faulty strategies. For their failures, I never blame business ideas, I blame to strategies that were not complementary to those concepts. Unfortunately, among the present generation of marketers, branding is one of most misunderstood business concepts. Usually, for them, its ambit is restricted to Media Presence and Market Presence. And, they calculate the return just on the changing sales figures. The next big mistake they make is imitating the strategies of established and successful brands. Branding is a customised process that can neither be copied, nor it can be replicated.

Now, be relaxed and try to understand the product or service you want to groom into a brand. Because a brand is like a human baby, the marketer starts thinking about its future soon after conceiving an idea. What comes to your mind instantly when you think about your brand? Is it the appearance, attitude, or IQ? Start a friendly discussion with these simple questions and note down the opinions and views of the team members. Remember! Be open and let them speak first.

Step – 1

As you have already finalised a name, you can’t do anything with the name but still there is enough scope to re-launch your brand with a fresh outlook and feel. Explore all the positive aspects associated with the name of your brand, and then keeping in mind its attributes and the demographic profile of your target audience prepare some tailored-fit attires for your brand – i.e., tangible elements of the branding: logo, font size & style, colours used in the logo and website. After a mutual consent get settled for some desirable changes and request the team to work on these changes but don’t make them live till the final makeover. Now, wind up the meeting, it’s the end of session one of brand re-engineering. Save the date for next meeting and motivate the Design and Marketing teams for best results in the meantime.

To Know About The Next Move, Join Us Again On January 09, 2017.

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Why Businesses In Mexico Are Not Pro PR

Why Businesses In Mexico Are Not Pro PR

Public Relations (PR) is an interface between a marketer and the media, and the collaborative efforts of these three, viz. Marketer, PR Firm and Media help to make marketing more strong & impactful. Whereas advertising is a solo show business, the marketer directly promotes a brand through the media, but paid. Businesses in the present times understand the potential of PR – integrated, influencing and inexpensive. That’s why the newer weapon of Marketing means PR is considered more practical and powerful than its predecessor (Advertising) by a majority of smart and marketing savvy entrepreneurs for promoting a brand or concept in almost every developed and growing economy. But, exceptions are everywhere and Mexico, the North American state is one of the rare countries where enterprises are still sticking to traditional forms of marketing like advertising and direct mail to interact with the target audience.
Even I was not aware that in Mexico businesses are still reluctant to PR. In January this year, I wrote an article ‘Never Underestimate the Public Relations’ and posted it on LinkedIn. One of the readers who appreciated my post was Alfredo J. Enriquez, a gentleman from Mexico, in the comment box, he wrote,” Beautifully written. But most businesses in Mexico, I don’t wonder why yet, do not hire PR and they tend more to hire Marketing agencies, and it is more difficult to start a PR agency. We still have a lot to do and to learn in this area. What do you think?”
His question was very challenging, but I mustered up some courage and asked him to give two weeks time to investigate the causes. The busy work schedule did everything to embarrass me and after consuming 12 long weeks, today I feel a bit comfortable to answer –  why businesses do not hire PR agencies in Mexico?
Here, I would like to share the factors responsible for the low PR acceptance in the world’s 11th largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity.
  • A majority of entrepreneurs in Mexico perceives that PR is just to rescue an organization from the crisis.
  • The Gulf oil spill tragedy in 2010 and the failure of PR in dodging the BP’s Crisis.
  • It is a common perception that newspapers are the harbingers of bad/negative news/stories.
  • Low penetration of digital and social media, people still prefer TV and radio for news and information acquisition.
  • Overly negative views of the outside world towards the Mexico due to drug trafficking and rivalry among narcotic traders. 
  • Not so good trade relations with the USA, the powerhouse of the world economy.
  • The Latinos are still less friendly with English, the trade language of world’s business community, they still prefer to communicate in Spanish.
These are the common barriers that discourage the growth and acceptance of the PR in Mexico. Identification of problems is worthless until and unless they are countered with some remedial measures. In the next write-up I will try to come with some feasible solutions.                                                                        
Please Keep Patience, Solutions Are Just 500 Words Away…

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Why Businesses In Mexico Are Not Pro PR

Public Relations (PR) is an interface between a marketer and the media, and the collaborative efforts of these three, viz. Marketer, PR Firm and Media help to make marketing more strong & impactful. Whereas advertising is a solo show business, the marketer directly promotes a brand through the media, but paid. Businesses in the present times understand the potential of PR – integrated, influencing and inexpensive. That’s why the newer weapon of Marketing means PR is considered more practical and powerful than its predecessor (Advertising) by a majority of smart and marketing savvy entrepreneurs for promoting a brand or concept in almost every developed and growing economy. But, exceptions are everywhere and Mexico, the North American state is one of the rare countries where enterprises are still sticking to traditional forms of marketing like advertising and direct mail to interact with the target audience.
Even I was not aware that in Mexico businesses are still reluctant to PR. In January this year, I wrote an article ‘Never Underestimate the Public Relations’ and posted it on LinkedIn. One of the readers who appreciated my post was Alfredo J. Enriquez, a gentleman from Mexico, in the comment box, he wrote,” Beautifully written. But most businesses in Mexico, I don’t wonder why yet, do not hire PR and they tend more to hire Marketing agencies, and it is more difficult to start a PR agency. We still have a lot to do and to learn in this area. What do you think?”
His question was very challenging, but I mustered up some courage and asked him to give two weeks time to investigate the causes. The busy work schedule did everything to embarrass me and after consuming 12 long weeks, today I feel a bit comfortable to answer –  why businesses do not hire PR agencies in Mexico?
Here, I would like to share the factors responsible for the low PR acceptance in the world’s 11th largest economy in terms of purchasing power parity.
  • A majority of entrepreneurs in Mexico perceives that PR is just to rescue an organization from the crisis.
  • The Gulf oil spill tragedy in 2010 and the failure of PR in dodging the BP’s Crisis.
  • It is a common perception that newspapers are the harbingers of bad/negative news/stories.
  • Low penetration of digital and social media, people still prefer TV and radio for news and information acquisition.
  • Overly negative views of the outside world towards the Mexico due to drug trafficking and rivalry among narcotic traders. 
  • Not so good trade relations with the USA, the powerhouse of the world economy.
  • The Latinos are still less friendly with English, the trade language of world’s business community, they still prefer to communicate in Spanish.
These are the common barriers that discourage the growth and acceptance of the PR in Mexico. Identification of problems is worthless until and unless they are countered with some remedial measures. In the next write-up I will try to come with some feasible solutions.                                                                        
Please Keep Patience, Solutions Are Just 500 Words Away…

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