With the inception of globalization, the world has shrunk into a global village where everything is intertwined with the Web making access seamlessly easy. Digitalisation has ushered in the internet which enables people to connect with someone who is located poles apart. Having said that, it does not negate the presence of several barriers to efficient communication, language being an essential one. The diverse world is home to several languages and it is impossible for every person to master each language making translation technologies and services imperative.Putting across an idea, understanding the message and overall communication is hampered due to the language gap. This is where translation becomes instrumental in fostering the exchanges between them.

Bringing cultures together

Language can act either as a binding or a breaking factor between two parties. Communication is only possible when both parties are able to understand the message and can further convey their thoughts and ideas. But, for the ones speaking different languages, it becomes onerous.

In this sprawling earth, with multitudes of population, the cultural and social diversity is ever expanding. Language is, therefore, not only used as a medium of communication; it also plays a role even greater than that. A language can frame the identity of a group and represent it. Social stratification, including social grooming and entertainment, are also other uses of language. This requires a need to bring together different cultures and social group to create a wholesome cohesion of the world, and promote a confluence of cultures. This is where translation technologies come handy.

Helping in knowledge exchange

Translation begets better understanding and helps in the sharing of ideas and knowledge worldwide. It curtails the chances of knowledge getting constrained in specific parts of the world only. At the same time, an information can be accessed and understood at every nook and corner of the earth with the contribution of the translation. Several other cultural and religious texts can be studied by people. It curbs the chances of a language getting extinct, avoids limiting the reach of literature, and promotes free flow of information across the world.

Creating employment opportunities

Demands for multilingual employees have gone up in international companies because they want to flourish globally. Translators and interpreters are hired to mediate before two foreign speaking parties. With globalization, people learn new languages so that they can be employed in the Translation industry, which thrives mostly on the cost effective resources irrespective of the mother tongue of the translator.

Machine and human translation

The machine translator at first, analyses the source text and then converts it to the desired language for understanding.

Every community has their own indigenous attributes which creates their own special identity. It also differentiates them from the others. However, this difference can also a negative impact tantamount to isolation. With the help of translation, this indigenous flavour of each language can not only be retained and preserved but also make it understandable for others.

A lot of meaning and time is lost in human translation. However, with the advancements in technology, machine translation, by and large, has evolved immensely. It can translate texts in real time with the help of artificial intelligence, and requires minimum human intervention. With the contribution of Internet, using translation technologies have not only become convenient but also is just a click away.