What Public Relations Demands In 2016?

Before the advent of the internet and social media, Public Relations (PR) was restricted to press releases and coverage of a corporate news/event in the print media and on Television. Now in 2016, PR is more about branding and image building than just publicity and coverage in both traditional and digital media.
In less than two decades, scope, as well as the functions of PR has changed dramatically mainly because of social media and digital marketing. New tools have been added, outreach increased and its role has widened than ever before. Today, the new age PR becomes more brand-centric than the traditional news-centric PR. The need of blogs, e-mailers and infographics is as important as press releases or interviews in the modern format of PR. Here, a tweet of 140 characters can make a more powerful impact than a press release of 1400 words, if one is brilliant in following the trends and hashtags.
Dash Digital With The Traditional Media
The harmony of digital media with the traditional media is developing a powerful synergy. So, a consultant must design customized strategies and tools to meet the demands of PR vehicles. A large number of people in the world use Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to keep themselves updated. And, in the present digital age, there are people who seldom read a newspaper or magazine and they follow only social media channels for a variety of purposes.
Create Content That Strikes The Media
Media don’t entertain your client, media entertain the content you share with journalists if they find the content informative, newsworthy and interesting for the subscribers. content is an amazing tool to leverage a brand in the world of marketing and public relations. Because content is an amazing tool to leverage a brand in the world of marketing and public relations.
An excellent piece of writing with an eye-catching title or headline supported by complementary videos, images, and graphics can phenomenally amplify a coverage in the Wires, Print, Television and Social Media. Moreover, social media helps to build relationships with reporters and influencers, and many times journalists pick content from social media sites when they find something really interesting and informative.
Never Ignore The Target Audience
Finally, it is your target audience which pays you off for your efforts. Media can only connect the marketer with the prospective customers, media just deliver your message, it is the acceptance of your potential customers which positions you among the successful brands. Therefore, your message should be very clear yet creative enough to gain their attention. Besides, you should let them think that how valuable you are to them and how different you are from the other brands.