SEO Is Backing The Public Relations
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is not going parallel to the Public Relations(PR) but in the last few years it is emerging as a branch of modern PR. In this revolutionary age of internet communication where brands are performing more convincingly online than the off-line market, the image building activities on the web are as essential as in the print and electronic media. These days people love to read e-newspapers they even view entertainment and sports channels on the internet, the potential of SEO can be easily recognised by the PR professionals and that is why a PR campaign in the present time is incomplete without SEO activities. Therefore, improving the Google rank of a brand is as mandatory as increasing the recognition of a brand in the physical market.

The rise of one is the boon for other and vice versa. They both support, complement and back each other to achieve their aligned objectives. Working on SEO, PR professionals can cleverly use keywords in the press releases which helps in creating a more purposeful, media centric content. Good content always win the attention of the media and as well as of target audience, lacking in content quality can drastically spoil the whole image building activities. Public relations is a steady, consistent and constant process and the desired results can be obtained after spending substantial amount of time and efforts, same happens with SEO and unlike advertising it is a time taken process for promotion and image building, in fact SEO has become the integral part of PR nowadays.