PR As Necessary For A Newbie As For An Old Business

It is an absolute myth that Public Relations (PR) is only effective for the large organizations and it doesn’t work satisfactorily for start-ups and small businesses. People who support this hypothesis in fact are not well versed with the purpose and objectives of the PR, they merely consider it as a marketing activity and usually treat it like advertising, though PR and advertising are two entirely different weapons of promotions and measuring them on the same parameters depicts that majority of businesses in India are still unaware that these two branches of marketing never cross each other and a successful business leader always use them as parallel activities     rather clubbing them in a single marketing plan.
The quintessential benefits of PR can only be reaped once an organization develops its own PR department or it hires a reputed PR agency which may works delicately for an organization and do whatever are the demand on an organization for the PR that varies remarkably depending upon the size, industry, business life-cycle, business objectives, potential customers as well as market, existing competition among the rivals and of course the annual budget of an organization for the PR activities. Usually a PR company works for reputation management, branding, image enhancement and recognition development for a company by interacting with all the three major media viz., print media that includes news papers and magazines, electronic media; primarily TV and occasionally cinema and digital media in the recent age that includes SEO and SMO on the internet.
PR converts the negative impression of people about an organisation or celebrity, better to call as brand. It further enhance an already positive image of the new brand and it transform a person or a company into a brand through effective media coverage in all the three mediums. Therefore, start-up firms which are not from a long time in the market need to focus more on PR activities as people takes time in recognizing a name and this recognition can be only achieved with the effective PR plan. People talk about only those people and brands which have good reputation in the market, whom they read about in newspapers, magazines, watch them on TV and find them active in the social media. 
Understanding the actual requirement of a brand and assessing the demands of media a PR agency moulds the reputation of a brand in the interest of media and a positive feedback or publicity in the media always leverage the image of a brand in the eyes of its potential consumers.