Beyond Translation Businesses Should Adopt Localization Strategies

With escalating competition in the market, businesses these days have more reasons to expand and explore new markets globally to stay relevant. To maintain economic stability, diversification of the revenue streams has become imperative and in the digital era and reaching out to diverse customers has been made simple. However, to set up a foreign wing and build business dominance in a foreign land requires connecting with the prospective customers in the target area. Businesses often seek assistance from translation services to communicate with the locale, but more than Foreign Language Translation need to have clear and effective localization strategies.

Business […] Read more

Significance of Translation for Global Businesses

For a business to grow globally by extending its reach in a foreign land, communicating its messages to the customers and making them understand in their own language becomes imperative; translation services, especially those providing human translators, become the best option for the global businesses.
With the steady advent of globalization, when businesses are attempting to capture the international market to sell their products or services overseas, content exposure worldwide, with diverse customers speaking different languages, has become imperative. To run a business successfully in foreign lands, it is quint essential for businesses to connect with the locale in their language; […] Read more

Resurgence of Translation Industry amidst Pandemic

Globalisation has turned the planet Earth into a closely connected society where geographical boundaries are no more entry-exit gates for businesses and corporate. Travelling and tourism become a thriving industry; countries started earning foreign exchange through exports, and literature surpassed all the language barriers.

The language translation industry which was functional for ages bloomed only after entering into the globalization era. A huge spurt is witnessed in this sector in the last decade but, like other sectors, it has also borne the brunt of the pandemic and from 2019 to 2020 it remains in the lull phase with negative growth. As […] Read more